Tuesday 20 August 2013

Hard labour.

First job: pull all the weeds.

Stopped in at Oderings on the way home from work and spent $15 on my favourite purchase yet. Gloves.

Took about three hours to get them all out. Kept finding potatoes in the old potato patch. Getting the old weed matting out of the strawberry patch was a bit of struggle too. Definitely filled the green bin. 

Sunday 18 August 2013

Ground Zero. Inspiration has struck.

Simon and I have been living at my parents for two and a half years now, and in all that time the raised garden beds at the bottom of the section have been overgrown with weeds. Mum reckons that owning your own business takes up a bit of spare time. 

So this year I figure why not not do something about them? It's almost Spring, a great time to get stuck in. 

One problem: I know nothing about gardening.

Only one way to learn....